Weird Phobias
I don’t know why, but I think that cows are out to kill me. For as long as we know, humans have had natural instincts in order to survive. These instincts can trigger fear to protect us from harmful situations. But sometimes our instincts can malfunction. We have evolved in to fearful beings with complex and strange phobias that can impact our daily lives. Phobias are much more than just a fear – they are often i rrational and intense in nature. And almost anything can be the subject of a phobia . Dementophobia is a fear of insanity. Levophobics fear objects positioned to the ir left. There is even a phobia of gravity – Barophobia . Perhaps the most recognizable phobia is social anxiety. An estimated 10% of the UK population has social phobia, with women twice as likely to be diagnosed . The NHS define social anxiety as ‘an intense fear that doesn’t go away and affects everyday activities, self-confidence, relationships and work