Everyone is ending the year with the exact same sentiment - 2020 was shit. This year has challenged each of us in different ways, and forced us into a way of living so far from what we as humans are used to. A global pandemic really does change your perspective on things. I have spent this year sleeping, working, eating, then sleeping again. I have seen so little of my loved ones, spent so little time doing things I enjoy, and have probably grown a lot because of it. There are very few positives I can take from this year, other than the fact that I will never take life's pleasures for granted again. In 2020 I got my first freelance role, worked all the way through the pandemic and all of its lockdowns in the NHS (no saving lives, unfortunately, but plenty of clinical letters) and got a first in my second year of university. These are my biggest and only achievements - and that is okay. Work was my only distraction and is what kept me sane in a year when I really could have crumble...